Friday, March 16, 2007

Pro - Health

This is Dr. Iskandar Junaidi health care program and sourcess on medical information for your total health benefit, body and also Soul. This is a cyber health communication for all of you.In this website you may also get update medical information and books that I author it.You may, asking ali things regarding matter of health, diseases, pharmacy, and others medical information needed. Please feel free to join and communicate it.

Just for your information until now I already wrote some books, published by BIP-Gramedia,i.e:- Panduan Praktis Stroke- Menuju hidup sehat & Awet muda- The Power of Soul for Great Health- Seri kesehatan populer: Stroke A-Z, Rematik & Asam urat, Migren

- Permintaan Seminar, Presentasi- Sponsor artikel pada buku
- PEMESANAN BUKU YG DI TANDA TANGAN OLEH PENULISNYA.NAMA BUKU dan Harga (sudah termasuk ongkos kirim):- Menuju Hidup Sehat&Awet muda (uk.15x22 cm, 170 hlm), Rp. 52,000,-- The Power of Soul for Great Health (uk.14x21 cm, 221 hlm), Rp. 58,000,-- Seri Kesehatan Populer: Stroke A-Z, Alergi & Asma, Rematik & Asam urat(uk.12x16 cm, 90 hlm), @ Rp. 40,000,-
- PROSEDUR:- Setelah dibayar via transfer bank, konfirmasikan melalui SMS dan atau email (nama pengirim, bank, no account)- Sebutkan nama buku yang dipesan- Alamat pengiriman: Nama, alamat, kota, kode pos- Kiriman tiba sekitar 7 hari kerja setelah konfirmasi.

Thank you in advance for visiting my website. Please, don't hesitate to contact me.
Have a nice day & God Bless you all, IJ
Health Care Community
Menuju Hidup Sehat
The Power of Soul
Kesehatan Populer
Konsultasi & Pelayanan
dr. Iskandar J. Melayani: Kerjasama Seminar, Presentasi, ORDER ONLINE BUKU+TANDA TANGAN PENULIS. HP for SMS: 0816 970735. BCA, a/c.0350638911